J.A.M.E.S Coin NFC Flat Panel
A first design is finished, a complete explanation of the targeted functionality is included, and the targeted printer technology has been provided. This AME design also provides a model which is proven to fulfill the targeted functionality. Furthermore, the AME structure has been printed and validated by measurements. A complete set of the measurement setup and results is provided.

This design of a J.A.M.E.S Coin is provided to combine full 3D-wiring aspects and NFC functionality to an automatic level of component implementation by Pick and Place.
10 Coin structures are integrated into a multicarrier panel to ease the orientation and to give the perspective to a fully automated population of components.
3D-Model Preview
Future Field of Application
- NFC Tag functionality
- Educational application for AME
- pick and place the population of components
Current Technology Limitations
- formfactor reproduction based on the design
Design Experience
Lack of tools. There is a need for 3D-wiring design eCAD/mCAD merge
Key Features
Tutorials and Interactive Videos
Flat Panel Design Animation
Tutorial: Design Ame Capacitors
Tutorial: Design Nfc on Ame Schematic
Tutorial: Design Ame Nfc Coils
Tutorial: Design Nfc on Ame Wiring
Manual Population of a J.a.m.e.s Coin Nfc Panel
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