AME 3D Test Coupon Testcase 2.0
A first design is finished, a complete explanation of the targeted functionality is included, and the targeted printer technology has been provided. This AME design also provides a model which is proven to fulfill the targeted functionality. Furthermore, the AME structure has been printed and validated by measurements. A complete set of the measurement setup and results is provided.

J.A.M.E.S is providing the second AME 3D Test Coupon to verify reproducibility of specific three-dimensional 3d printed electronic design elements.
This Test Coupon was originally designed for the DragonFly IV MultiJet process of Nano Dimension, however, the intention of the designers was to provide an easy-to-adapt test coupon which can also be used in different printed electronics manufacturing processes.Â
3D-Model Preview
Future Field of Application
- Providing a full verified 3D-Design Rules guideline
- Verification of Coupon reproducibility
- Ongoing qualification steps
Test Coupon for Indication of
- Sagging effects at walls (for conductive and non-conductive material)
- Minimum spacing between lines, walls and vias
- Minimum Via-element in z-direction
- Effects of direction on resistance and line width
- Minimum spacing between lines and walls
- Spacing in z-direction
- Size of individual pixels
Key Features
AME 3D Test Coupon - Measurements
This Test Coupon includes different design areas for specific measurements:
Area Color                      Measured Aspect                                  Type of Measurement
Red                             Sagging effects at walls                              Visual
Cyan                            Minimum spacing between lines, walls and Vias           Visual and Ohmic
Dark Blue                        Minimum Via in Z-Direction, Z-angle variation            Ohmic
Light Blue                        Z-axis accuracy, spacing between lines, angle variation     Visual
White                           Effects of direction on resistance and width              Visual and Ohmic
Orange                          Measurement of spacing between lines and walls         Ohmic
Dark green                       Spacing in Z-Direction                               Ohmic
Light green                       Size of individual Pixels                              Visual
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