Michael Larson
Lead R&D Engineer (Aerospace)
As our society becomes increasingly digitised, the need for semiconductors is skyrocketing. But what about the packaging needed to support ...
As our society becomes increasingly digitised, the need for semiconductors is skyrocketing. But what about the packaging needed to support these valuable components?
Well, in most cases, you can't have one without the other, so demand for packaging is soaring too. The global industry is expected to hit USD9.13 billion by 2028.
So how can the industry keep up with demand? Additive manufacturing techniques have a big role to play here. With AME, semiconductor packaging can be customised with high precision, enabling bespoke designs to support a range of use cases.
What's more, these designs can be produced quickly and efficiently, allowing on-demand production that can plug any fulfilment gaps. All this is achieved while reducing wastage, as additive manufacturing produces far less waste than traditional manufacturing.
The wider deployment of AME in semiconductor packaging manufacturing is still in its relative infancy, but it's going to play a big role in the coming years.