J.A.M.E.S Coin NFC Side Mounted LED
A first design is finished, a complete explanation of the targeted functionality is included, and the targeted printer technology has been provided. This AME design also provides a model which is proven to fulfill the targeted functionality. Furthermore, the AME structure has been printed and validated by measurements. A complete set of the measurement setup and results is provided.
This design is intended to bring two additional aspects to the NFC story. Side mount and integration of components are intended to spice up to the NFC story. The design contains two print jobs, the bottom one is for population and functionality and the top one serves as cover for a possible logo implementation. The design contains a surrounding cavities and an optical beam former (e.g. it’s possible to implement an optical fibre on the light beam of the LED) for the fibre and the LED and a CI funnel to channel the LED light to the fibre.
Actually the light channel is just for an illumination effect, but maybe also an optoelectronics use case could be established.
3D-Model Preview
Future Field of Application
- NFC Tag functionalityÂ
- Educational application for AMEÂ
- Pick and place population of componentsÂ
- Pick and place for side mounted componentsÂ
- Overprinting a surface with different heights on surface
Current Technology Limitations
- Formfactor reproduction based on the design
Design Experiences (which Tools Are Missing)
- Needs for 3D-wiring design eCAD/mCAD merge
Key Features
Tutorials and Interactive Videos
J.a.m.e.s Coin Fibre Keyence