3D AME Ferrite Ring Core Coil
A first design is finished, a complete explanation of the targeted functionality is included, and the targeted printer technology has been provided. This AME design also provides a model which is proven to fulfill the targeted functionality.

This article showcases the continuous efforts of the J.A.M.E.S engineering team in creating a focused AME coil element. The aim is to integrate a ferrite ring core to enhance inductivity.
The insights presented a glimpse into ongoing research activities, providing a current status update on efforts to establish a stable process for potential use cases, such as printed filter designs.
3D-Model Preview
Diverse Design Iterations: Key Considerations
View the 3d Design of the Expected Ame Ferrite Ring Core Coil With 50 Surrounding Windings.
3d Coil Design Animation
3d Coil Computed Tomography View
3d Coil Computed Tomography Side View
3d Printed Ferrite Core: Magnetic Iron Pla Filament Utilization
The primary objective in creating a ferrite core involves employing a 3D-printed structure. To achieve this objective, the Magnetic Iron PLA filament (Proto-Pasta) was chosen due to its compatibility with 3D printing using an additive manufacturing (AM) printer. This selection enables the realization of the desired ferrite core structure through the unique properties of the chosen filament.
Current Technical Realization Status
The initial samples were printed without an inserted core, and instead, this space was filled with dielectric material. This provides valuable insights into the ongoing investigations necessary to refine the printing process.

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