News & Media Global AME News AME And Micro-AM Tech Day Event

AME And Micro-AM Tech Day Event

Jun 26, 2023
AME And Micro-AM Tech Day Event

Tech-Day: Tipping The Scales Of Innovation Through Micro-AM And Additively Manufactured Electronics

On Tuesday, April 27th, Nano Dimension hosted a technology day event, where it was showcased the latest advancements in Additive Manufacturing Electronics (AME) and micro-Additive Manufacturing (AM) technologies. With the great participation of partner companies, experts and enthusiasts, this event was successful and demonstrated the an active interest in the technology advancement.

AME and Micro-AM Tech Day Insights

This event featured a series of informative presentations and machine demonstrations, all aimed at highlighting the cutting-edge innovations and breakthroughs in the industry. Attendees had the opportunity to engage with industry experts and learn about the latest trends and developments in AME and micro-AM. 

Among significant knowledge exchange, the event was packed with great networking talks and the opportunity to have fun while practicing indoor golf.

We look forward to sharing our passion for this rapidly evolving field and see you on our next events. 

Join the AME Community to get access to the presentation files and discover how AME and micro-AM are shaping the future of manufacturing.
