Multi Material Jetting MMJ Technology Explained By AMAREA
Drop by Drop Material Deposition
Multi Material Jetting » MMJ « creates parts by overlapping droplets, building from single droplets to lines and then to entire layers.
Each MMJ Printing Material
- combines fine powder
- the actual material that forms the part
- with thermoplastic binders and additives.
When heated, it flows like a liquid, carrying the powder within.
As droplets of printing material are selectively deposited only where needed, they fuse together and solidify instantly upon cooling.
Such green parts are subsequently debinded and sintered to achieve their final properties – an industrially established process also used for, e.g. injection molded parts.
Process Flow From Idea to Quality Assurance
by example AMAREA's Ignition Devices
The MMJ ProX Series - Parameters
Lateral Resolution (xy), Layer Height (z), and Wall Thickness
Designed fully parameterizable, the MMJ print heads allow droplet volume and other characteristics to be adapted to the specifics of each Multi- Material part.
Lateral Resolution: 200 μm to > 1000 μm
The lateral resolution » xy-plane «, determined by the droplet diameter, ranges from 200 μm to over 1000 μm.
The layer height » z-axis «,
roughly equivalent to the droplet height, varies from 70 μm to 300 μm
- approximately from the thickness of a human hair to roughly the diameter of a needle.
Correlated to droplet diameter, the droplet volume spans from 0.5 nl » as small as a bacterial cell or even smaller than a speck of dust «
up to more than 25.0 nl » approximately the volume needed to cover the cross-section of a human hair «.
Wall thicknesses can range from a single droplet’s diameter up to 20 mm.