Technology Insights
Find Additively Manufactured Electronics (AME) latest news and updates; find here a complete collection of articles, releases, publications, and partner contributions put together to keep you updated on the newest trends in 3D printed electronics.
AME Designs
Welcome to our AME Design category, your place for exploring 3D printed electronic applications. Find out about material choices, 3D printing tips, and quality checks to improve your projects. See how designers and engineers craft high-performance electronic components and systems.
3D Printing Electronics For GaN Power Module Packaging At RI.SE
Get detailed information on the printers used in AME, including specifications, capabilities, and comparative analyses to help you choose the right printer for your needs.
Horizon Microtechnologies - Using The BMF MicroArch S240 System
AME Tech
Access data and insights on Additively Manufactured Electronics (AME). This category covers various aspects, aiming to increase Technology Readiness Levels (TRL): Measurements, AME Printers, AME Materials, and Technical Tools.
Voltera: Printing ECG Electrodes With Biocompatible Gold Ink On TPU
Voltera: Printing A Magnesium Zinc Battery With Saral Inks On PET
FED: Klettwelding AVT Process
AME 101
A beginner's guide to Additively Manufactured Electronics (AME), covering essential concepts to get you started: Designing, Simulation, and Manufacturing.
Multi Material Jetting MMJ Technology Explained By AMAREA
Advances In Miniaturization: How GED Is Making Electronics Smaller And More Powerful
Nanoinks & Nanopastes: Revolution Behind tomorrow’s Microelectronics
Applications And Future Trends In Consumer Electronics: Dive Into PCBs World
Breadboards Vs. PCBs: Definitions, Materials, Costs, Benefits, And Applications
AME Publications
Read in-depth scientific papers on research, development, theory, and modern applications of AME. This category includes Academic Research and Real-World Applications.